Barrio lastarria

 Hello everyone, today I write about my favorite place in Santiago, this is Barrio Lastarria.

This place is special because has beautiful buildings. Also this place is has many shops and stores, like papachecos or Bella Pizza. 

The Barrio Lastarria is special because I went with my girlfriend. After the class in university, we meet in this place and walked for hours.

We have a favorite shop, this is Bella Pizza, this store has delicious pizzas.

Also this place has a many people selling clothes, sometimes I  bought clothes because is so cheap.

The Barrio Lastarria is very close the GAM in subway Universidad Católica.

Another thing is a place beside the Barrio Lastarria, the place's name is GAM, is a cultural center and has history because has many names, like UNCTAD III, Centro Cultural Metropolitano Gabriela Mistral, Diego Portales y Centro Cultural GAM. 

The first name UNCTAD III is for the meeting of United Nations in the year 1972, after that the place change name a Centro Cultural Metropolitano Gabriela Mistral because the meeting of United Nations was finish.

After because the dictatorship, the place change a Diego Portales, the military government used this building for meeting. The last name is when Chile back to liberty and Ricardo Lagos named this place Centro Cultural GAM.

Finally i like very much this places Barrio Lastarria and GAM.


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